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――――――――――― info ―――――――――――

Blinkies/Buttons are animated userboxes, they often contain a link to another page.

A webring is a collection of websites linked together, often in a circular structure.

This page contains a collection of buttons that specifically apply to my website, along with some blinkies

from other websites that I’ve come across and found really fascinating, cool and/or awesome.

If you enjoy my website, feel free to link it by using my buttons (the two below) on your website.

You can either download them (preferable way) or hotlink them (less preferable).

My button [81x31] (gif format, replace the .gif with .png for the png format):

My banner [240x60] (gif format, replace the .gif with .png for the png format):

――――――――― my site ―――――――――
This is my button (png format) This is my button (gif format) Feel free to leave a message behind!

I am using linux! Pirate arghh!! Microsft grrr!

Valid css! Valid HTML! Say no to web3!

None of my content is generated by AI. Best viewed with eyes Best viewed on desktop

github! steam no cookies!

Best viewed with a cat! dream now! antinazi

completely handcoded bitwarden Internet Archive

――――――――― webring ―――――――――

⥼ prev | bucket webring | next ⥽

⥼ prev | the cultring | next ⥽

⥼ prev | no AI webring | next ⥽

⥼ prev | retronaut webring | next ⥽

⥼ prev | *nixRing | next ⥽

⥼ prev | CSS JOY | next ⥽

⥼ prev | Silly City | next ⥽

lainchan webring

――――――― other sites ―――――――
Crystal's website sitcombutton Cult.ist website

psychicnewborn tasebutton blopwebsite

Rip Terry A. Davis, made this button for him :) CIAbutton ribozone

Evergreen xiixiixii maria town

Neotutor Do not log off. aether

koilwood faaux omni

bohemiansultriness manatee secret garden

webcatz sweet fish Sixey.es